Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Year's Pools

Remember all the fun we had last year with the envelope pools? Well, they're back this year. I've decided to do away with the square pool that we had trouble filling last year. To make up for that I've "enhanced" the point spread pool by including over unders. So with that in mind here are this year's pools besides the big $100 pool.

$1 Envelope Pool
Just like the $100 this one has all 64 teams in envelopes and they cost 1 dollar a piece. Payouts are on the chart at the bottom of the stairs. These sell out fast!

$5 Point Spread Pool
This one started off slow but when there were winners still left in the envelopes this got going. This year I'll be adding in Overs and Unders. Envelopes still cost $5 withe the winner getting $10 per game or over/under

$2 Player Pool
Same as last year. Each envelope has 2 players on it. You collect points for your players based on how many points they score. Top 3 tandems pay out.
1st: 30
2nd: 20
3rd: 14

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